Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


What if I am not comfortable giving a presentation?

It can be intimidating to speak in front of a room full of new faces. However, the fear of public speaking is only overcome by practicing it. Overcoming this fear can lead to personal and professional growth. Remember, everyone is there to support each other.

How can I find information on meeting days and locations?

Meetings are held on the same day each month unless it coincides with a holiday. The days and locations are listed on our website and Facebook page.

If I am attending a meeting for the first time, do I need to RSVP?

No, you are welcome to attend any meeting without prior notice. Once you attend, you will provide your contact information and receive email invitations to future meetings.

What is the cost of a meeting?

There are no membership fees. The event fee is $20.00, which includes a meal. Payments can be made in cash, by check, via Cash App, or through PayPal.

When should I set up a one-on-one with another member?

We encourage members to meet with at least two people per month, or more if time permits. The more people who know and trust you as a professional in your industry, the better your results will be.

Why should I bring guests to a meeting?

Bringing guests is essential for two reasons. To grow your business, you need to expand your network. While new guests regularly attend meetings, developing the skill to grow your network is crucial. By inviting contacts to a meeting, you can build and maintain a relationship systematically, rather than letting their business cards collect dust.

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