LinkedIn: How to become a Power User September 14, 2015 at the Leaf Restaurant

Price: $20.00
Event Starts: Sep 14, 2015 - 11:00 am
Event Stops: Sep 14, 2015 1:00 pm
Phone: (484) 553-6992

Event Location: The Leaf Restaurant
Address: 90 Mort Drive
City: Easton
Zip: 18040
State: Pennsylvania

Last month's Training below - Recorded Live Broadcast from the Leaf Restaurant on August 10, 2015.
Lehigh Valley Elite Network and Vowinkel.TV present Google+, Google Maps, Google my Business Training. Recorded Live from the Leaf Restaurant & Cigar Bar on August 10, 2015.
Google Expert David Gritz - Senior Partner gives important insights on Google's recent changes.
*Special thanks to Frank Vowinkel - www.Vowinkel.TV , Evan Kechely - // for hosting this event.
Learn how members benefit from the tremendous exposure from the and other social media platforms.

Our focus is on the development of relationships along with providing growth and marketing strategies for businesses, sales professionals, and nonprofit organizations. The once a month events have proven to be an effective and systematic process for members to establish and expand their professional contacts. The use of social media combined with traditional networking, provides members an opportunity to simultaneously multiply their efforts to grow and maintain their business or organization through the tremendous exposure gained from, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, WordPress, Pinterest, Youtube, Vimeo and other social media and news feed outlets. In an effort to have members take full advantage of these opportunities our Leaf Restaurant Event will be changing it's event format so a specific topic about how to use social media combined with traditional networking by professionals who are the best in their field on these topics. There are no membership fees or dues and the only cost is $20.00 (Cash or Check) for the training event which includes the meal. These events are available to Lehigh Valley Elite Network members and guests from all locations.You can follow us on the below social media links and view the photos from actual events. There is time for open networking before and after each meeting. CLICK HERE for photos of last month's training event.

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